Barbara Greenspan, MPS/ATR
Harwich, Massachusetts 02645
(774) 408-7217
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Master of Professional Studies in Creative Art Therapy in Special Education -1985
State University College of Arts and Science, Potsdam, NY
Bachelor of Arts in Art: Pottery Concentration – 1982
Professional Status:
Registered Art Therapist, The American Art Therapy Association – 1987-Present
Employment Experience:
Agape Inn – Residential Group Home – Holbrook, MA 2009 – 2015
Agape Inn provides residential services to children and adolescents who present with some type of developmental disability. They range in age from 5 to 21.
Clinical Case Manager/ Art Therapist.
Developed treatment plans and behavior plans for each resident.
Attended all DCF meetings associated with the clients Individual Service Plan (ISP), and their Foster Care Review where applicable.
Worked as a team member overseeing all Individual Educational Plans (IEP).
Ran Art/Art Therapy groups for all residents
South Bay Mental Health, Yarmouth, MA 2000 - 2009
A behavioral healthcare center devoted to providing underprivileged children and families the opportunities for growth and self-sufficiency.
Clinical Staff – Art Therapist
Provide individual counseling
Facilitate family therapy meetings
Implemented art therapy groups for developmentally delayed adults in Day Treatment
Participated in case coordination with psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and other educational and mental health professionals
Harwich Community Learning Center Programs, Harwich, MA 2000 – 2009 Enrichment and Adult Education
Art Instructor
After School Pottery Instructor – Harwich High School
After School Studio Art Teacher – Harwich Middle School
Ceramic Tile Painting Instructor – Harwich Adult Education
Farr Academy, Cambridge MA, 1986 – 2000
A 766 Approved Special Needs School working with students who are 12-19 years’ old
Art Teacher/ Art Therapist
Designed and implemented therapeutic art classes for emotionally disturbed adolescents with learning disabilities and behavioral problems
Provided individual counseling
Facilitated family therapy meetings
Worked in a co-teaching model
Provided advocacy for students with local court officials
Participated in case coordination with psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and other mental health professionals
Creator and Program Director of Farr Works: 1992 – 2000
Designed an art studio program which provided students at Farr Academy with an opportunity to build self confidence and self-esteem, learn job related skills and enhance their creative abilities through a work experience. What began as a summer work study program in a classroom space, evolved into a year round employment opportunity in a store-front art studio
Interviewed, hired, and supervised student employments
Participated in interviewing and supervising staff
Designed and marketed art work
Managed all public relations
Wrote grants in coordination with Farr Academy’s Director
Taught students to make hand painted tile trivets, hand-built clay bowls and other related clay items
Coordinated contracts, designed and supervised the production of specific art work for customers
Coordinated a contract with Ben and Jerry’s in Waterbury Vermont from 1994 – 2000 for the production of cow-spotted ice cream bowls.
Fiber and Clay Artist, 1980 – Present
Create and market original fiber and clay designs
Hand – build clay bowls to sell in local shops