Barbara Greenspan, MPS/ATR

Harwich, Massachusetts 02645

(774) 408-7217





Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

Master of Professional Studies in Creative Art Therapy in Special Education -1985


State University College of Arts and Science, Potsdam, NY

Bachelor of Arts in Art: Pottery Concentration – 1982


Professional Status:

Registered Art Therapist, The American Art Therapy Association – 1987-Present


Employment Experience:


Agape Inn – Residential Group Home – Holbrook, MA 2009 – 2015

Agape Inn provides residential services to children and adolescents who present with some type of developmental disability. They range in age from 5 to 21.


Clinical Case Manager/ Art Therapist.

  • Developed treatment plans and behavior plans for each resident.

  • Attended all DCF meetings associated with the clients Individual Service Plan (ISP), and their Foster Care Review where applicable.

  • Worked as a team member overseeing all Individual Educational Plans (IEP).

  • Ran Art/Art Therapy groups for all residents


South Bay Mental Health, Yarmouth, MA 2000 - 2009

A behavioral healthcare center devoted to providing underprivileged children and families the opportunities for growth and self-sufficiency.


Clinical Staff – Art Therapist

  • Provide individual counseling

  • Facilitate family therapy meetings

  • Implemented art therapy groups for developmentally delayed adults in Day Treatment

  • Participated in case coordination with psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and other educational and mental health professionals


Harwich Community Learning Center Programs, Harwich, MA 2000 – 2009   Enrichment and Adult Education


Art Instructor

  • After School Pottery Instructor – Harwich High School

  • After School Studio Art Teacher – Harwich Middle School

  • Ceramic Tile Painting Instructor – Harwich Adult Education


Farr Academy, Cambridge MA, 1986 – 2000

A 766 Approved Special Needs School working with students who are 12-19 years’ old


Art Teacher/ Art Therapist

  • Designed and implemented therapeutic art classes for emotionally disturbed adolescents with learning disabilities and behavioral problems

  • Provided individual counseling

  • Facilitated family therapy meetings

  • Worked in a co-teaching model

  • Provided advocacy for students with local court officials

  • Participated in case coordination with psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and other mental health professionals


Creator and Program Director of Farr Works: 1992 – 2000

Designed an art studio program which provided students at Farr Academy with an opportunity to build self confidence and self-esteem, learn job related skills and enhance their creative abilities through a work experience. What began as a summer work study program in a classroom space, evolved into a year round employment opportunity in a store-front art studio


  • Interviewed, hired, and supervised student employments

  • Participated in interviewing and supervising staff

  • Designed and marketed art work

  • Managed all public relations

  • Wrote grants in coordination with Farr Academy’s Director

  • Taught students to make hand painted tile trivets, hand-built clay bowls and other related clay items

  • Coordinated contracts, designed and supervised the production of specific art work for customers

  • Coordinated a contract with Ben and Jerry’s in Waterbury Vermont from 1994 – 2000 for the production of cow-spotted ice cream bowls.


Fiber and Clay Artist, 1980 – Present

  • Create and market original fiber and clay designs

  • Hand – build clay bowls to sell in local shops